Intelligent Grid Interfaced Vehicle Eco-charging - iGIVE

The aim of this project is to develop an intelligent grid interfaced vehicle eco-charging (iGIVE) system for more reliable, more flexible and efficient, and more environmental friendly smart gird solutions for seamless integration of distributed low-carbon intermittent power generation and large number of EVs.
This will enable research-intensive universities in the UK to create a critical mass on low carbon energy research to help maintain the UK’s global standing and capacity in the light of increasing international competitions, and China to address its energy issues in a sustainable and whole systems manner.
Queen's University Belfast and Cranfield University form the UK side of the collaboration under the leadership of Prof Kang Li.
Harbin Institute of Technology and the State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, led by Prof Shukang Cheng and Prof Yuisheng Xue respectively, form the China team.
News: Senior representatives from RCUK and NSFC highly commended iGIVE project
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