Time and date:
9:30 am – 11:30pm (GMT+1), Wednesday 1st June 2016
QQ (iGIVE 168760653) meeting (Room 7.024)
Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Prof. Kang Li, PI
- Dr. David Laverty, CI
- Dr. Jing Deng
- Dr Xiandong Xu
- Mr Zhile Yang
- Mr Kailong Liu
Cranfield University, UK
- Dr Weizhong Fei
(connection problem)
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Prof Shumei Cui
- Prof Qianfan Zhang
- Prof Chunbo Zhu
- Prof Jilai Yu
- Prof Ruiye Liu
- Dr Weixing Li
- Dr Yufeng Guo
- Mr Xiaofei Liu
- Mr Lei Pei
- Mr Mingfei Ban
- Mr Weifeng Gao
- Mr Jintang Li
- Mr Tuopu Na
- Ms Jing GE
- Ms Aina Tian
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China
- Dongliang Xie
- Juai WU
- 9:30 – 09:45 Welcome from Prof Kang Li and briefing iGive project.
- 9:45 - 10: 30 Briefing UK China workshop on shaping low carbon future
- 10:30 - 10:45 Progress report from David Laverty
- 10:45 - 11:30 Discuss meeting in Aug and inaugural joint laboratory and final project report.
Meeting minutes
• Prof Zhou could not attend the workshop to present the keynote speech.
• Make EV lab joint display in China (branding)
• Slides for EV lab (what equipment, what facility, what we can offer)
• Video for each lab in four institution.
• iGive in China finishes in June, and they are waiting for guidance.
• Narui’s project finishes on 30th June. But actual dates may postpones.
• Prof Cui suggest to prepare the final report as early as possible.
• Upload kang’s presentation in southhampton in iGive website
• Publications, patent, software, industrial collaboration, Joint laboratory, joint workshop and conference, knowledge exchange, student/PhD students exchanges, invited seminar, special issue.
• Prof Cui suggests we stick on original proposal when preparing the final report.
• Extend invitation time for Prof Yu invitation letter.
• HIT team arrive QUB on 27th Aug