9th iGive Project Meeting UK And China

Time and date:

9:30 am – 11:30pm (GMT+1), Wednesday 1st June 2016


QQ (iGIVE 168760653) meeting (Room 7.024)


Queen’s University Belfast, UK

  1. Prof. Kang Li, PI
  2. Dr. David Laverty, CI
  3. Dr. Jing Deng
  4. Dr Xiandong Xu
  5. Mr Zhile Yang
  6. Mr Kailong Liu

Cranfield University, UK

  1. Dr Weizhong Fei

(connection problem)

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

  1. Prof Shumei Cui
  2. Prof Qianfan Zhang
  3. Prof Chunbo Zhu
  4. Prof Jilai Yu
  5. Prof Ruiye Liu
  6. Dr Weixing Li
  7. Dr Yufeng Guo
  8. Mr Xiaofei Liu
  9. Mr Lei Pei
  10. Mr Mingfei Ban
  11. Mr Weifeng Gao
  12. Mr Jintang Li
  13. Mr Tuopu Na
  14. Ms Jing GE
  15. Ms Aina Tian

State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China

  1. Dongliang Xie
  2. Juai WU


  • 9:30 – 09:45 Welcome from Prof Kang Li and briefing iGive project.
  • 9:45 - 10: 30 Briefing UK China workshop on shaping low carbon future
  • 10:30 - 10:45 Progress report from David Laverty
  • 10:45 - 11:30 Discuss meeting in Aug and inaugural joint laboratory and final project report.

Meeting minutes


• Prof Zhou could not attend the workshop to present the keynote speech.
• Make EV lab joint display in China (branding)
• Slides for EV lab (what equipment, what facility, what we can offer)
• Video for each lab in four institution.
• iGive in China finishes in June, and they are waiting for guidance.
• Narui’s project finishes on 30th June. But actual dates may postpones.
• Prof Cui suggest to prepare the final report as early as possible.
• Upload kang’s presentation in southhampton in iGive website
• Publications, patent, software, industrial collaboration, Joint laboratory, joint workshop and conference, knowledge exchange, student/PhD students exchanges, invited seminar, special issue.
• Prof Cui suggests we stick on original proposal when preparing the final report.
• Extend invitation time for Prof Yu invitation letter.
• HIT team arrive QUB on 27th Aug

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