Igive Recent Updates Public
Recent Events
- Wednesday, 01/06/2016, 9th iGive project meeting UK and China
- Tuesday, 19 April 2016 , Prof Yusheng Xue, Case Study of Big Data Analysis for Smart Grid
- Friday, 23/10/2015, Prof Kang Li, Prof Li was invited to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in London
- Friday, 2/10/2015, Prof Jianhua Zhang, Modelling and Control of Organic Rankine Cycle Based Waste Heat Recovery Systems
- Monday, 14/09/2015, Prof Hongjie Jia, Smart Grid and Integrated Energy System
Archieved events
- 8th iGive project meeting UK and China
- Friday, 28/08/2015, Prof Hongjie Jia, Researches of SEEA-TJU in the Field of Smart Grid
- Thursday 13/08/2015, Prof Minrui Fei, Networked control and systems for intelligent manufacturing
- Thursday 04/06/2015, Prof Zhu Han, Case Study of Big Data Analysis for Smart Grid
- 7th iGive project meeting UK and China
- Monday 01/03/2015, Prof Chris MI, Development of an Extremely Efficient Wireless EV charger
- Friday 28/11/2014, Prof Erwei Bai, "Separable Least Squares and its Applications in Optimization"
- Wednesday 05/11/2014, 6th iGive meeting UK.
- Wednesday 05/11/2014, Prof Chunbo Zhu - Battery management technology and wireless power transformation
- Best paper award from LSMS2014 & ICSEE2014
- LSMS2014 & ICSEE2014 has been successfully organized by SHU and QUB
- Tuesday, 01/07/2015, Poster at Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference
- Tuesday 27/05/2014, 5th iGive meeting (UK and China).
- Wednesday 09/04/2014, Prof Daniel Yeung - Sensitivity based Image Filtering for Multi-Hashing
- Thursday 06/03/2014, Prof Kang Li and Prof Yusheng Xue, RCUK - UK China - Partners in Energy Research Workshop on 5-6 Macrh 2014 at One Whitehall Place, London
- Friday 28/02/2014, Dr Chuanjiang Li, "An Optimal Nonlinear PD Control Design Subject to Constraints and its Application to Spacecraft Attitude Manoeuvres"
- Friday 21/02/2014, Prof Erwei Bai, "Some recent results on target localization and tracking, and sensor placement"
- Friday, 7 Feb 2014, 4th iGive meeting (UK only).
- Wednesday, 9 Oct 2013, 2nd iGive meeting (UK and China). Introduce research team in both UK and China, discuss project website, academic exchange, establish joint lab, and collaborate with other industrial partners in both UK and China.
- Friday, 24 May 2013, 1st iGive Meeting (UK only). Discuss first year work plan, recruitment of research staff, staff and student exchange. and workshop.