Cranfield University, UK
- W. Liang, P. C. K. Luk, and W. Fei, " An Improved Sideband Current Harmonic Model of Interior PMSM Drive by Considering Magnetic Saturation and Cross-Coupling Effects," IEEE Trans. Transactions On Industrial Electronics. Accepted (Feb 2016).
- W. Liang, J.Wang, P. C. K. Luk,W. Fang, andW. Fei, "Analytical modeling of current harmonic components in PMSMdrivewith voltage-source inverter by SVPWM technique," IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol.29, no.3, pp.673-680, Sept. 2014. DOI:10.1109/TEC.2014.2317072
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Shuai Dong, Qianfan Zhang, Shukang Cheng, Analysis of Critical Inductance and Capacitor Voltage Ripple for Bi-directional Z-Source Inverter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
- Qianfan Zhang, Shuai Dong, Ping Xue, Chaowei Zhou, ShuKang Cheng, Novel MSVPWM to Reduce the Inductor Current Ripple for Z-Source Inverter in Electric Vehicle Applications, The Scientific World Journal
- Shuai Dong ; Qianfan Zhang ; Shukang Cheng. Current Ripple Comparison between ZSVM4 and ZSVM2. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015, IEEE Early Access Articles DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2475614
- Ban M, Jilai Y U. Procedural simulation method for aggregating charging load model of private electric vehicle cluster[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems & Clean Energy, 2015,3
- Sun J, Yang P, Lu R, et al. LiFePO4 Optimal Operation Temperature Range Analysis for EV/HEV[M].Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014:476-485.
- Weifeng Gao, Xiaofei Liu, Shumei Cui, Kang Li, Design and simulation of a bidirectional On-board charger for V2G application, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 486-495, 2014
- Liu X F, Cui S M, Gao W F, et al. Software Development of On-Board Power Electronics Equipment Using Model-Based Design Methodology[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2014,494-495(494-495):1524-1528
- Jintang Li, Haifang Yu, Shumei Cui, Bingliang Xu, Research on simulation and harmonics of EV charging stations for V2G application, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 496-504, 2014
- Fuhong Xie, Xiaofei Liu, Shumei Cui, Kang Li, Design of power factor correction system for on-board charger, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 529-538, 2014
- Jinlei Sun, Peng Yang, Rengui Lu, Guo Wei, Chunbo Zhu, LiFePO4 optimal operation temperature range analysis for EV/HEV, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 476-485, 2014
- F. Feng, R. Lu, S. Zhang, C. Zhu, G. Wei, Temperature characteristics research on LiFePO4 cells series battery pack in electric vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 460-468, 2014
- Lei Pei, Tiansi Wang, Rengui Lu, Chunbo Zhu, Development of a voltage relaxation model for rapid open-circuit voltage prediction in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 253, pp 412-418, 2014
- Lei Pei, Chunbo Zhu, Tiansi Wang, Rengui Lu, C. C. Chan, Online peak power prediction based on aparameter and state estimator for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles, Energy, 66, pp 766-778, 2014
- Mingfei Ban, Jilai Yu, Jing Ge, Procedural modeling for charging load of electric buses cluster based on battery swapping mode, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 505-516, 2014
- Aina Tian, Weixing Li, Jilai Yu, Ruiye Liu, Junda Qu, Modeling and voltage stability computation of power systems with high penetration of wind power, electric vehicles and air conditioners, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 463, pp 517-528, 2014
- Liu, Xiao Fei, Shu Mei Cui, Wei Feng Gao, and Shi Ming Xu. "Software Development of On-Board Power Electronics Equipment Using Model-Based Design Methodology." In Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 494, pp. 1524-1528. 2014.
Queen's University Belfast, UK
- John C. Hastings, David M. Laverty, D. John Morrow, 'A Heuristic, Self-Adjusting Flow Control Mechanism for Sensor Data in Real-Time Applications' 16PESGM1288, Accepted for Presentation PES AGM Boston July 2016, Publication Pending
- astings, John C., David M. Laverty, and D. John Morrow. "Open source telecommunications framework for time-series data from smart grid sensors." In , 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), pp. 2177-2182. IEEE, 2015.
- Laverty, David M., L. I. Kang, and D. John Morrow. "Secure data networks for electrical distribution applications." Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 3.3 (2015): 447-455.
- Liu, X., et al. "Principal Component Analysis of Wide-Area Phasor Measurements for Islanding Detection—A Geometric View." Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 30.2 (2015): 976-985.
- Guo, Y., et al. "Synchrophasor-Based Islanding Detection for Distributed Generation Systems Using Systematic Principal Component Analysis Approaches." Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 30.6 (2015): 2544-2552.
- Cheng Zhang, Kang Li, Lei Pei; Chunbo Zhu, ‘An Integrated Approach for Real-time Model-based State-of-Charge Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries’, Journal of Power Sources, 2015, 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.02.099, in press.
- Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Aoife Foley, Computational Scheduling Methods for Integrating Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the Power System: A Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015 10.1016/j.rser.2015.06.007, in press.
- Songyan Wang, Ning Chen, Daren Yu, Aoife Foley, Lingzhi Zhu, Kang Li, Jilai Yu. 'Flexible fault ride through strategy for wind farm clusters in power systems with high wind power penetration”, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 93, pp: 239-248, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.01.022.
- X. Xu, X. Jin, H. Jia, X. Yu, and K. Li, “Hierarchical management for integrated community energy systems,” Applied Energy, vol. 160, pp. 231–243, Dec. 2015.
- Yuanjun Guo, Kang Li, Zhile Yang and David M Laverty. A novel RBF neural network principal component analysis scheme for PMU-based wide-area monitoring of power systems. Electric Power System Research, 2015 (in press)
- X. Zhao, K. Li, “Droop setting design for multi-terminal HVDC grids considering voltage deviation impacts”, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 123, pp. 67–75, 2015.
- Zhebin Sun, Kang Li, Zhile Yang, Qun Niu, Aoife Foley , Impact of Electric Vehicles on a Carbon Constrained Power System - A post 2020 case study, Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2015, 3: 114-122
- Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Qun Niu, Yusheng Xue, Aoife Foley, ‘A self-learning TLBO based Dynamic Economic/Environmenta; dispatch considering multiple plug-in electric vehicle loads’, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, DOI 10.1007/s40565-014-0087-6, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp: 298-307, 2014.
- X. Zhao, K. Li, “Adaptive backstepping droop controller design for multi-terminal high-voltage direct current systems “. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2015, doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0582.
- Yongling Wu, Xiaodong Zhao, Kang Li, Shaoyuan Li. Energy saving - Another Perspective for Parameter Optimization of PID Controllers. Neurocomputing, in press
- X. Zhao, K. Li, and M. Zheng. “Analysis of Transmission Loss in Droop Control of a Multi-Terminal HVDC System”. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, vol. 2, 564-572. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24076, 2014.
- Y. Guo, K. Li, and D. Laverty, “Loss-of-Main Monitoring and Detection for Distributed Generations Using Dynamic Principal Component Analysis”. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, Vol. 2, 423-431. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24057, 2014.
- P. Higgins, R. Douglas, R, A.M. Foley, K. Li. “Impact of Offshore Wind Power Forecast Error in a Carbon Constraint Electricity Market”. Energy, 2014, Vol. 76, No.1, 2014, pp 187–197, DOI: 10.1016/
- A. Foley, P. Leahy, K. Li, E. McKeogh, A. Morrison. “A Long-term Analysis of Pumped Hydro Storage to Firm Wind Power”. Applied Energy, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.07.020.
- Qun Niu, Hongyun Zhang, Xiaohai Wang, Kang Li, George Irwin, ‘A Hybrid Harmony Search with Arithmetic Crossover Operation for Economic Dispatch’, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 62, November 2014, pp 237–257.
- Qun Niu, Letian Zhang, Kang Li, “A biogeography-based optimization algorithm with mutation strategies for model parameter estimation of solar and fuel cells’, Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, Vol. 86, pp: 1173-1185. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.06.026.
- Qun Niu, Hongyun Zhang, Kang Li, George W. Irwin, ‘An Efficient Harmony Search with New Pitch Adjustment for Dynamic Economic Dispatch’, Energy, Vol. 65, 1 February 2014, Pages 25–43, (doi: 10.1016/
- Qun Niu, Hongyun Zhang, Kang Li, ‘An improved TLBO with elite strategy for parameters identification of PEM fuel cell and solar cell models’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, Vol. 39, No 8, 2014, pp. 3837–3854, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.12.110.
- Qun Niu, Kang Li, George W. Irwin, "Differential Evolution Combined with Clonal Selection for Dynamic Economic Dispatch”, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, DOI: 10.1080/0952813X.2014.954277, 2014.
- Letian Zhang, Qun Niu, Zhile Yang and Kang Li, Integration of Electric Vehicles Charging in Unit Commitment, International Journal of Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2015, Vol.3, Iss.1, pp 22-27;
- Xiaoqing Tang, Brendan Fox and Kang Li, “Reserve from wind power potential in system economic loading”, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2014, online, doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2013.0114.
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China
- Yusheng Xue, Juai Wu, Dongliang Xie, Kang Li, Yu Zhang, Fushuan Wen, Bin Cai, Qiuwei Wu, and Guangya Yang. Experimental study on EV purchases assisted by multi-agents representing a set of questionnaires Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 463, p 449-459, 2014; ISSN: 18650929; ISBN-13: 9783662452851.
- Yusheng Xue, Juai Wu, Dongliang Xie,Kang Li, Yu Zhang, Fushuan Wen, Bin Cai, Qiuwei Wu, Guangya Yang. Multi-agents Modelling of EV Purchase Willingness Based on Questionnaires. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2015, 3(2):149-159
Conference Proceedings:
- K. Li, Yusheng Xue, Shumei Cui, Qun Niu (editors), Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electric Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer-Verlag GmbH. CCIS-463, ISBN 978-3-662-45286-8, 2014.
Cranfield University
- W. Liang, W. Fei, and P. C. K. Luk, "Sideband torque ripple in direct permanent magnet wind power generator system," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2014, pp.4904-4910.
- Wenyi Liang; Weizhong Fei; Luk, P.C.-K., "Analytical investigation of sideband torque ripple in induction machine drive with SPWM and SVPWM techniques," Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 2014 17th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.162,168, 22-25 Oct. 2014.
- B. Xia, P. C. K. Luk, W. Fei, L. Yu, "Particle Swarm Optimization of Air-cored Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator for Small-Scale Wind Power Systems, The 7th IET international conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, vol. , no. , pp. , 2014
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Qianfan Zhang; Shuai Dong; Chunyang Zhao; Haole Wang; Shukang Cheng; Rui Wang. Analysis of freewheeling state in Z-source inverter under three-phase shoot-through mode. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2015: 5505 – 5510
- Fuhong Xie, Xiaofei Liu, Shumei Cui, Kang Li. ‘Design of Power Factor Correction System for On Board Charger’, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 463, 2014, pp 529-538.
- Dong S, Zhang Q, Zhou C, et al. Analysis and design of snubber circuit for Z-source inverter. EPE’14-ECCE Europe, Lappeenranta, Finland, 26.-28.August.2014
- Weifeng Gao, Xiaofei Liu, Shumei Cui, Kang Li, ‘Performance Research and Simulation Analysis of a Bidirectional On-Board Charger for V2G Application.’ 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Informa.tion Science, Vol. 463, 2014, pp 486-495.
- Zhang Q, Na T, Li W. A Modified Space Vector Modulation for Three-Phase Z-Source Integrated Charger. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference 2014, October 27-30, 2014, Coimbra, Portugal
Queen's University Belfast
- Juan Yan, Kang Li, Erwei Bai, Aoife Foley, “Special Condition Wind Power Forecasting Based on Gaussian Process and Similar Historical Data”, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 26-30 July, 2015, Denver, USA (accepted).
- Hastings, Janna, David M. Laverty, and D. John Morrow. "Securing the smart grid." Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2014 49th International Universities. IEEE, 2014.
- Joseph Devlin, Kang Li, Paraic Higgins, Aoife Foley, “What do high penetrations of wind power mean for gas generation?”, 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 26-30 July, 2015, Denver, USA (accepted)
- Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Qun Niu, Cheng Zhang and Aoife Foley. ‘Non-convex Dynamic Economic/Environmental Dispatch with Plug-in Electric Vehicle Loads’, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2014, December 9-12, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp 59-65.
- Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Qun Niu, Aoife Foley, Unit Commitment Considering Multiple Charging and Discharging Scenarios of Plug-in Electric Vehicles, in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2015. IEEE, accepted.
- Xiaodong Zhao, Kang Li, Yusheng Xue. “Backstepping DC voltage control in a multi-terminal HVDC system connecting offshore wind farms”, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 463, 2014, pp 286-295.
- Hastings, Janna, David Laverty, and D. John Morrow. "Towards an improved phasor measurement unit data communications framework." PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 2014 IEEE. IEEE, 2014.
- Juan Yan, Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Yusheng Xue, “A Variant Gaussian Process for Short-term Wind Power Forecasting Based on TLBO”, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 463, 2014, pp 165-174.
- Yongling Wu, Xiaodong Zhao, Kang Li, Shaoyuan Li, “Controller Parameter Optimization in Voltage Droop Control of Voltage Source Converter”, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and Shanghai 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), , September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 463, 2014, pp 87-96.
- Jing Deng, Kang Li, David Laverty and Weihua Deng, ‘Li-Ion Battery management system for electric vehicles - a practical guide’, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 463, 2014, pp 32-44.
- David Laverty, Kang Li, Jing Deng. “Data Communications for Intelligent Electric Vehicle Charging Stations”, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Computational Intelligence, Networked Systems and Their Applications Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 462, 2014, pp 543-551.
- Cheng Zhang, Kang Li, Zhile Yang, ‘Modeling of electric vehicle batteries using RBF neural networks’, The 2nd International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel 2014), Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam on April 27 – 29, 2014, pp 116 - 121. DOI: 10.1109/ComManTel.2014.6825590.
- Juan Yan, Kang Li, Jing Deng, Ziqi Yang, ‘Efficient Gaussian Process modelling of section weights in polymer stretch blow moulding’, 2014 UKACC 10th International Conference on Control, Loughborough University 9th - 11th July 2014.
- Xiaodong Zhao, Kang Li, Min Zheng. Analysis of Transmission Loss with Droop Control in a Multi-Terminal HVDC System. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, Vol 2, No. 4, April 2014, pp564-572. 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), April 14 to 16, 2014, Shanghai, China.
- Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Aoife Foley, Cheng Zhang, ‘A New Self-Learning TLBO for RBF Neural Modelling of Batteries in Electric Vehicles’, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), Beijing, June 6-11, 2014, pp 2685 – 2691.
- Zhile Yang, Kang Li, Aoife Foley, and Cheng Zhang, Optimal scheduling methods to integrate plug-in electric vehicles with the power system: a review, in Proceedings of the 19th world congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC’14), Cape Town, South Africa. 2014: 24-29;
- Cheng Zhang, Kang Li, Zhile Yang, Lei Pei, Cunbo Zhu. “A new battery modelling method based on simulation error minimization”, 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 27-31 July 2014, Maryland, USA
- Kang Li, Yuanjun Guo, David Laverty, Haibo He and Minrui Fei. “Distributed Adaptive Learning Framework for Wide Area Monitoring of Power Systems Integrated with Distributed Generations”. Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2013), Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 4B, pp.962-969, 2013. ISNN: 1949-243X, DOI: 10.4236/epe.2013.54B185.
- Yuanjun Guo, Kang Li, D. M. Laverty. Loss-of-Main Monitoring and Detection for Distributed Generations Using Dynamic Principal Component Analysis. Accepted for presentation in 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), April 14 to 16, 2014, Shanghai, China.
- Xiaodong Zhao, Kang Li, Min Zheng. Analysis of Transmission Loss with Droop Control in a Multi-Terminal HVDC System. Accepted for presentation in 6th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), April 14 to 16, 2014, Shanghai, China.
- Xiaodong Zhao, Kang Li, ‘Control of VSC-HVDC for wind farm integration based on adaptive backstepping method’, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES), November 14, 2013, Vienna, AUSTRIA, pp 64-69, 10.1109/IWIES.2013.6698563
- Juan Yan, Kang Li, Erwei Bai, ‘Prediction error adjusted time series Gaussian Process for short term wind power forecasting’, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Energy Systems (IWIES), November 14, 2013, Vienna, AUSTRIA, pp 173-178.
- K Li, Y Wu, S Li, Y. Xi, ‘Energy Saving and System Performance - An Art of Trade-off for Controller Design’, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Oct 13-16, Manchester, 2013, 4737-4742.
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China
- Yusheng Xue, Tiangang Huang, Kang Li, Zhaoyang Dong, DongYue, Feng Xue, Jie Huang, ‘An efficient and robust case sorting for algorithm for transient stability assessment’, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 26-30 July, 2015, Denver, USA, accepted.
- J. Wu, Y. Xue, D. Xie, K. Li, F. Wen, J. Zhao, Y. Ding. Questionnaire Designing, Multi-agent Modeling and Analyzing of EV Users' Traveling Willingness[C]. APSCOM 2015, Nov.8-12, 2015 Hong Kong
- Yusheng Xue, Juai Wu, Dongliang Xie, Kang Li, Yu Zhang, Fushuan Wen, Bin Cai, Qiuwei Wu, Guangya Yang. “Experimental Study on EV Purchases Assisted by Multi-agents Representing a Set of Questionnaires’, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014. Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 463, 2014, pp 449-459.
- SU Guangning, XIE D, XUE Yusheng, FANG Chen, ZHANG Yu, Kang Li. “Information fusion of Intelligent EV Charging-Discharging-Storage Integrated Station”, 2014 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS2014) and 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE2014), Shanghai, September 20-23, 2014.
- 于继来, 基于瞬时值解析的交流输电路径电气份额计算, 中国电机工程学报, 25期, pp 4364-4373
- 刘晓飞, 张千帆, 崔淑梅. 电动汽车V2G技术综述[J]. 电工技术学报, 2012(2):121-127.
- 李付存. 电动汽车V2G技术及其充电机的研究[D]. 哈尔滨工业大学, 2012: