Seminar Yusheng Xue Apr 2016

Big Data Thinking for Cyber-Physical Energy System

07.005, conference room, Ashby building, QUB

Time & Date
10:00 am, Tuesday, 19 April 2016 (tea/coffee will be served before the lecture)


The macro energy thinking which regards electricity as a hub between energy production and consumption, can promote “clean energy substitution” of the upstream primary energy and “electricity substitution” of the downstream end-use energy, in order to support the sustainable development of energy. Meanwhile the big data thinking regards various data resources as fundamental elements of production rather than simple process objects. The integration of the two kinds of thinking will make the big data on power become the foundation of an extensively interconnected, openly interactive and highly intelligent macro energy systems. Knowledge can be extracted by integrating the causal data (based on mathematical models), the statistic data (with non-causal relationship) and the gambling data (of human participants). On one hand, the energy system is considered in the context of the cyber-physical system, to break down the physical barriers among power system, primary energy system and end-use energy system. On the other hand, the private network and the internet are combined together to constitute the communication system, to break down the barriers between operation and business activities.

Based on several topics that have been studied by the presenter, applications of big data technology in enhancing the economy and reliability of energy flow in different spatial and temporal scales are introduced, which include: (1) introduce casual analysis measures to topics that usually relied entirely on statistical analysis, to improve the applicability and accuracy; (2) introduce statistical analysis measures to topics that usually relied entirely on casual analysis, to enhance the efficiency; (3) combine casual analysis, statistical analysis and experimental economics simulation analysis, to create a new research area of what a single analysis paradigm cannot solved, such as the interactions between the macro energy system and the natural

Bio-sketch of the speaker

Professor Yusheng XUE received MSc degree in Electrical Engineering from EPRI, China in 1981 and PhD degree from the University of Liege, Belgium in 1987. He was elected an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1995. He is now the Honorary President of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute (SGEPRI or NARI), China. He holds the positions of Adjunct Professor in many universities in China and a conjoint professor of the University of Newcastle in Australia. He was also an honorary professor of the University of Queensland, Australia. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of “Automation of Electric Power System” (in Chinese) and that of the “Journal of Modern Power System and Clean energy” (in English), and a member of Editorial Board of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, and Chairman of Technical Committee of Chinese National Committee of CIGRE since 2005.

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