Seminars - iGive
- Friday, 28/08/2015, Prof Hongjie Jia, Researches of SEEA-TJU in the Field of Smart Grid
- Thursday 13/08/2015, Prof Minrui Fei, Networked control and systems for intelligent manufacturing
- Thursday 04/06/2015, Prof Zhu Han, Case Study of Big Data Analysis for Smart Grid
- 7th iGive project meeting UK and China
- Monday 01/03/2015, Prof Chris MI, Development of an Extremely Efficient Wireless EV charger
- Friday 28/11/2014, Prof Erwei Bai, "Separable Least Squares and its Applications in Optimization"
- Wednesday 05/11/2014, 6th iGive meeting UK.
- Wednesday 05/11/2014, Prof Chunbo Zhu - Battery management technology and wireless power transformation
- Wednesday 09/04/2014, Prof Daniel Yeung - Sensitivity based Image Filtering for Multi-Hashing
- Friday 28/02/2014, Dr Chuanjiang Li, "An Optimal Nonlinear PD Control Design Subject to Constraints and its Application to Spacecraft Attitude Manoeuvres"
- Friday 21/02/2014, Prof Erwei Bai, "Some recent results on target localization and tracking, and sensor placement"
- Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013 , Guido Maione, Design and realization of high-performance and robust fractional order controllers:An application for automotive systems”
- Thursday, 26 September 2013, Wenju Zhou, “Vision-based high-speed fault detection and its application to crown cap manufacturing”
- Thursday, 22July 2013, Prof Yusheng Xue , “Generalized Congestion Management in Macro Energy Perspective”, Queen's Univesity Belfast.