Workshop Shaping Low Cabon Energy Future
UK-China workshop on shaping low carbon energy future
The 3-day workshop is featured with keynote speeches, industrial exhibitions and knowledge transfer training, technical presentations and posters, panel discussions, break-out brain-storming, academic visits, formation of consortium and specific task groups, and networking events and social visits
- provide unique and exciting opportunities for them to work together to generate innovative ideas which will eventually generate impacts and benefit the society, in particular poor populations which still suffer from fuel poverty and poor access to bulk power. This is to be achieved via knowledge sharing, brain-storming, knowledge transfer trainings and social network events;
- contribute significantly to the capacity building of early career researchers through mentoring scheme and training, and encourage high-impact joint publications;
- helps foster long-term collaborations of early career young researchers through joint application of research grants and formation of a research consortium. Ultimately, it will help achieve the strategic plan of developing all around UK-China collaborations in science and technology in delivering impact, shaping capability and training future leaders.
Date and Venue
28-31 August 2016, Great Hall, Lanyon Building, Queen's University Belfast
Sunday, 28th Aug 2016
- 2pm - 5pm Registration (old staff common room, Lanyon Building, QUB)
- Exhibition of UK-China research collaborations on energy and environment
- Pre-workshop forum
Monday, 29th Aug 2016
- 9:00-9:20 Host’s Welcome Addresses
- 9:20 -10:00 Speeches from local government, British Council, UK and China funding bodies, Chinese Embassy and Consulate-General - Fostering collaborations between UK and China on shaping low-carbon energy future
- 10:00 -10:10 Inaugurate of UK-China joint laboratory on Electric Vehicles and Smart Grid under the auspice of EPSRC/NSFC jointly funded iGIVE project.
- Formation of UK-China consortium on sustainable energy and low carbon economy
- 10:10 -10:40 Keynote Speech 1 – Energy efficiency in intelligent manufacturing (Prof Cheng Wu, Academician, Tsinghua University)
- 10:40 -11:00 Tea break/networking/poster sessions
- 11:00 -11:30 Keynote Speech 2 – Smart grid and integration with electric vehicles (Prof Yusheng Xue, Academician, State Grid EPRI, China)
- 11:30 -12:00 Keynote Speech 3 – Battery management and wireless charging (Prof Chunbo Zhu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
- 12:00 – 13:00 Training Session – Career development and international collaboration
- 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch and networking
- 14:00 -16:00 Parallel Sessions:
- Affordable renewable and clean energies for rural areas
- Impact of renewable energies and its acceptance to the grid
- Electric vehicles its integration with grid
- Affordable clean and electrified transport for rural areas
- Smart grid, micro-grid
- Energy storage and demand response
- 16:00 -16:30 Tea break and networking
- 16:30 -18:30 Parallel Sessions:
- Building energy efficiency
- New materials for green buildings
- Low carbon city
- Affordable energy saving technologies for houses in rural areas
- Modelling and analysis of integrated energy systems
- Complex system and system of systems theory, tools and their applications in energy systems
- 19:30 Dinner and networking
30th August 2016
- Industrial exhibitions from industrial partners in the UK and China
- 9:00-9:30 Keynote speech 4 – Modelling and analysis of integrated energy systems (Prof Kang Li, Queen’s University Belfast)
- 9:30 -10:00 Keynote Speech 5 – Planning, governance, and low carbon economy (Prof Geraint Ellis, Queen’s University Belfast)
- 10:00 -10:30 Tea break and networking
- 10:30 -11:00 Keynote Speech 6 – Cyber security (Prof Maire O’Neill, Queen’s University Belfast)
- 12:10 -13:00 Panel discussions – Key issues and enabling technologies for shaping low carbon energy future (Keynote speakers, mentors and senior academics)
- 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch, Poster Sessions and Networking
- 14:00 -16:00 Parallel Sessions:
- Energy reduction and management in manufacturing
- Industrial 4.0 and its implications
- Energy saving and Internet+ for SMEs
- Transformative manufacturing processes and control
- Industrial energy consumption and smart grid
- 16:00 -16:30 Tea break and networking
- 16:30 -18:30 Parallel Sessions:
- Social perception and support
- Energy policy and implications
- Energy policy for rural areas
- Cyber security in smart grid and whole energy chain
- New materials and new sensors
- 20:00 Banquet and networking
31th August 2016
- 9:00-9:30 Industrial training session on innovation and knowledge transfer
- 9:30-10:00 Capacity building training: international research collaboration funding opportunities and how to write research proposal
- 10:00-10:30 Tea/coffee break
- 10:30 – 11:30 Break-out sessions – identify challenges and new technologies for shaping low carbon energy future
- Industrial and building energy consumption and smart grid
- Electric vehicles and energy storage
- Big data analytics and cyber security in smart grid
- System of systems theory and analysis tools for integrated energy systems
- New materials, new sensors, and transformative processes
- Energy policy and human perception
- Affordable clean energy provision technologies for poor populations
- Innovation and knowledge transfer
- 11:30 -12:30 Formation of task groups to tackle key technical challenges and discuss future collaboration programmes and joint proposals
- 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch, Poster Sessions and Networking
- 13:30 -18:00 Visits to advanced labs at Queen’s University Belfast and to Belfast historic sites
Prof Kang Li, Queen's University Belfast,||il.k